On the occasion of your significant jubilee – the quarter of the century of the INFOFEST, in the impossibility to attend the ceremonial opening, I am sending you the most heartfelt congratulations and the best wishes for the chore.
The beginnings of INFOFEST coincided with the decision of the Government of Montenegro to utilize the upcoming technological development wave and, by more intensive involvement in new trends, to reduce the persistent backlog that, like other countries in the region, had in relation to the informatics and the communicatively developed world. In that, the INFOFEST mission was pioneering. A platform was created in which the world’s leading technology leaders, leading ICT companies from the region, renowned experts from around the world, young and inventive experts are participating. On this commitment, INFOFEST grew into the highest quality and most important ICT event in the region, and became the place of publication of new technological solutions, concluding interstate, commercial and professional agreements, establishing a partnership and creating a vision of faster and more efficient use of the fruits of the global development momentum.
The process of digitalization of Montenegro, an important segment of state policy, is a new chance and a significant presumption of its modern development. It is therefore particularly delighted that this issue dominates the INFOFEST 2018 agenda, in various, primarily economic, domains. I am sure that after the jubilee 25th INFOFEST gatherings will be richer for constructive, productive and inspiring results and messages that will improve the understanding of Montenegrin digital reality and the future.
I congratulate you once more on the Jubilee and best wishes and sincere greetings to all participants of the INFOFEST.
Milo Djukanovic